The first time I joined the crew, my role was to hear and observe. Make sense of the interactions taking place.How could I join without disrupting the fascinating dialogue that was already taking place?!
AI spatialization
I’ve been thinking about autonomous or AI-controlled spatialization. And designing systems that control the movement of audio sources in space automatically, based on the parameters of the sound system, perhaps even based on the parameters of the room itself. For some reason I imagined applying social distancing principles to the sound sources, so that they…
unselfed selfies
taking selfies without the self. walking with an analog instant camera, I captured places where the word “self” was laid out in fragile, fleeting materials (leaves, paillettes) and then photographed during its slow decay. The idea of self concerning the human body is also connected to specific body parts: the eye, the hand, the face.…
autonomy as challenge
Working on an art project about autonomy, I find myself constantly asking the question: how can I acknowledge the autonomy of materials, or certain processes, in shaping and creating an artwork? Should I resist the desire to interfere, to give form, shape and intent to something, rather leaving the output take its own form? One…
1261 selves
In one of our first brainstorming sessions (I believe around December 2020) we noticed that ‘autonomous systems’ are often described using the prefix ‘self-‘: self-organization, self-regulation, self-observation, self-referentiality, self-adaptation, self-sensing, self-performing, self-generating, self-determining. That’s how we decided to experiment with the term: maybe the word ‘self’ can provide an altered access to ideas of autonomy,…
#unSELFed Building from the living structures, expanding and gently adding. The artefacts from the initial inputs are being translated into the one given medium, sound. Feeling the breath of the texture. Finding exact frequency. Iterative remix of these artefacts created a sound structure, which resulted in the piece #unSELFed, a 20-minute sound work. Trusting the…
Art’s Birthday reflections
Mixdown musings My thoughts on our project for Art’s Birthday. On January 17, we will be presenting some of our work on the radio. For this, we have decided to each take some of the materials we have already created/generated, and create a sort of mash-up, so to speak. Essentially one person would take the…
texts’ sound
texts’sound Subjective reflexion: the person, which i’m seeing in the mirror, is not the one, whom the others see. walking between the texts(-to-speech). generating the new meaning during this eternal walk. the walk is generating itself. (11.11.2020) The useful information, derived from the text, is not related to the text’s meaning. text has its own energy…
Thinking along with the digital self. Notes taken during an online meeting where I could hear but not speak (and sometimes neither of both). November 2020.
when we write about self, does writing change the object written about?does overwriting change my sense of self? my self-ish-ness? self written as a word is an object like many other objects. a combination of strokes on paper, bits in a storage, pixels on screen that create meaning by leaving imprints in my mind. is…
Canon Experiments
Creation of the score One experiment I want to conduct that relates to the double bass and the intervals is to create an electronic piece that uses the same pitches, but going up to much higher harmonics. This will allow two things: 1) an expanded possibility of pitches, and 2) precision of tuning and steadiness…