as if they were flowers – an audio installation as imaginary guide This page will host an audio as part of our exhibition “as if they were flowers”. Part audioguide, part autonomous sound installation, this takes the listener-viewers into the space created during the project, moving around ideas and artefacts, sonifying a part of our…
Games and Worldmaking (Damjan Jovanovic)
Games and Worldmaking As a part of the “Open Feedback Loop” series, the talk by Damjan Jovanovic will present a number of his ongoing projects that explore themes such as personhood, ecology and artificial intelligence, and how their entanglement with simulations and video games brings about new ways of worldmaking. Damjan is an architect, educator…
Games OF WorldFaking (initial thoughts)
Games of worldFaking Fake personalities, fake profiles, digital clones of the accounts in social networks are not only landing in the “SPAM” folder, but also are becoming added to “Favourites”. AI-powered clones are not threatening – they are giving creative inspiration. Designers are creating AI-designers. It becomes a trivial task to create the world for…
Constructing realities (Dario Sanfilippo)
Dario Sanfilippo – Constructing realities # OFL 1 – 14. May 2021, 17-19h The talk presents the most recent outcomes of the author‘s research on musical complex adaptive systems (CASes). The first part focuses on the concepts of adaptation and complexity within the framework of CASes and suggests a clear identification of the term in…
#unSELFed Building from the living structures, expanding and gently adding. The artefacts from the initial inputs are being translated into the one given medium, sound. Feeling the breath of the texture. Finding exact frequency. Iterative remix of these artefacts created a sound structure, which resulted in the piece #unSELFed, a 20-minute sound work. Trusting the…
texts’ sound
texts’sound Subjective reflexion: the person, which i’m seeing in the mirror, is not the one, whom the others see. walking between the texts(-to-speech). generating the new meaning during this eternal walk. the walk is generating itself. (11.11.2020) The useful information, derived from the text, is not related to the text’s meaning. text has its own energy…