as if they were flowers – an audio installation as imaginary guide This page will host an audio as part of our exhibition “as if they were flowers”. Part audioguide, part autonomous sound installation, this takes the listener-viewers into the space created during the project, moving around ideas and artefacts, sonifying a part of our…
constructing realities
On 14. May we had the first talk in our series “Open Feedback Loop”. Our guest was Dario Sanfilippo, presenting (live from Sicily!) his ideas about autonomous complex systems in sound. We talked about emergence, the edges of chaos – how many edges does it have? – about the role of the composer-creator as “gardener”…
music as system of systems, interlacing and interlaced
The more I think through it and work on it, the more it seems to me that music itself seems to be a system of systems, a sort of paradigm for systemic activity. From the ancient times on, music was considered the harmony of the spheres, an audible expression of the system of the whole…